
So, Who am I now?
What do I do with this now that it is here?
I have honestly just got cosmically Bitch Slapped with reality of life and never truly understood what this change would mean to me. I knew it was coming, like honestly, you get excited with the ideas of "What Could Be" until it actually becomes "What is"!
Don't stress about what you think that this might be ( a mom monster on the prowl) or a ( depressive tantrum in progress ), this is an actual a no nonsense conversation of what has occured that I can say "NO ONE" has ever talked about, or atleast in my family or in my hemisphere. I never planned for it or thought it was a thing to be aware of, it is in a way similar to a form of the baby blues as it totally reconstructs your spacial and emotional identity, that can wreck havoc if your not aware, and believe me ...I so was NOT!
I am now starting to find points of interest once again, looking for things that I can see that I maybe interested in or maybe like to do or try. I also have started to attempt to change the way of how I think on a daily basis from the time I get up and end my days, its a new concept however, not something easily to change after a lifetime of doing things in a one way or drown kind of logic that I had to do to survive these last 30 plus years.
Over the next several weeks of conversational topics, we can find ways to discover how to get over the pot holes, landmines and much more that come with traveling through lifes many nuances so, we can make thife more of a journey and less of a tragedy!
See y'all soon!
The Rockin Robyn!