Coffee, Where Fore Arth Thouist MY COFFEE!!

I don't know what it was that I was actually thinking? Seriously, I work up at 11:30pm and took GUS out and attempted to go back to sleep.... NOPE!
1:45am, time to take GUS back out once more.... Sleep: ZERO!

3:52am, GUS is crying again, took him out, this little maniac want to play tug of war!!! NOPE, back in his kennel he goes. Sleep: Finally starting to get something to arrive!
4:30am, Hubby's alarm goes OFF!!!!! GRRRR!!!! Gus wakes up crying, Im crying... Sleep now that this point is futile so, I take that little rugrat and get him outside, he does his business, then I toss his furry butt into the bed with hubby and head into the kitchen to start the coffee pot.
Here is my conundrum, lately I have had the sad reality that my coffee pot maker is slowly going on the fritz. It is now 5 years old (they don't make them like they used to, that is for sure!) I have descaled this thing twice now, restarted it, read online issue solver stuff for our particular model and... NADA. The simple thing is I feel that the pump is more than likely going out.

What do you mean Robyn, How do you know?
It is a 12 pot Coffee Maker.. It started having issues staying on. I would have to restart the thing multiple times before the machine would actually start to brew. Now, It goes from 12 cups, to 10 to now barely 8 if that. Almost half the water in the resevoir is still in it but, the coffee maker has stopped and has indicated the process is completed. I really don't want to go shopping for another coffee pot, however it looks like its gonna happen.
Robyn, you are complaining about COFFEE.. NO, I am protecting my fellow citizens because I am having my daily cups of coffee, you do "NOT" want the Robyn without the adequate Coffee to start her day or it is Armageddon!
One of the joyfull moments that I have is times being shared with Hank and I sharing coffee together watching the sun come up, or the times I would wake up and he would have a love note stuck on the coffee machine for me, as he had already had it ready for me when I woke up.
Some tiny moments that we get to share together have been done over the simple things as a cup of coffee.

Enjoying the simple moments are the greatest gifts we can receive and don't cost us anything!
Rockin' Robyn!